Korean Language Exchange App : MEEFF 미프

Language Korean is such a unique language, it requires a lot of attention and effort to learn the language. There is an app in which you can find Korean friends who can help you learn Korean. The app is called MEEFF(미프). MEEFF does not require money to download and use.
There are 5 tabs in the app. In this article, will explain you each tab and how people are using the app.

    First tab: Finding Friends

In this tab, you see random users' profile pictures and bios and you decide you will 'like' them or 'reject' them. If you like one's profile so much and give her/him 10 rubies, you can directly send a message to the person. ('Ruby' is the currency used in MEEFF, you can buy them with real money.) But there are some people who upload their profiles with nasty pictures or internet good-looking celebrity's pictures to 'earn' rubies, so you should be careful when you give them rubies.

Profile shows the information below:

1. Profile Pictures (If you click the picture, you can swipe and see more pictures)

2. Name (Does not have to be your real name, many people use nickname for privacy)

3. Age/Sex/Nationality/Distance from the user/The person's latest visit in this app
Language (Also it shows fluency: Native, Advanced, Intermediate...)

When you download and start the app, it will require you same information above. It does not have to be so true, provide information regarding your privacy.

    Second tab: Lounge

If you liked someone and the person liked you back, the person will be listed in the lounge. you can press 'Start the chat' button and talk with the person. Likewise, if other users 'like' you, you can like them back and start a chat.

    Third tab: Chat

Here, you can actually chat with other people. If either of users in a chatroom pay 20 rubies, chatroom gets upgraded. When a chatroom gets upgraded, two major functions become available (sending photos, translation). People usually communicate in English as a common language, so if you are not fluent in English, upgrading rooms can be a good choice.

Of course, there are many fake accounts and perverts since MEEFF is a random chat application. So, you should be careful with providing personal information to other users.

    Fourth tab: Today

If you want to make a lot of friends, you can upload your profile on this 'Today' tab by auction. The auction is paid with rubies. Usually, you get the highest position if you pay around 1,000 rubies. Also here, there are people who upload nasty pictures so they can earn rubies like mentioned in 'First tab'.

    Fifth tab: Settings

You can buy rubies, change your profile or delete the account in this tab.


It is a useful korean chat app where you can find Korean friends. But it is also often considered as a blind date app. So you might run into people who are strangely eager to meet you in person or want to see your personal pictures. The app is a bit slow and battery goes out quickly so many people find each other in MEEFF and move to Kakaotalk, Line, Whatsapp, or Instagram. It is so easy to find perverts but also easy to find kind people who will help your language and culture exchange. Of course you should help them learn your language too.

If you have any curiosities about Korea or concerns about traveling Korea, please share on comments!


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