12 Expressions you can use in South Korea to find Halal, Kosher, Vegetarian foods.

 There are many foreigners who want to travel South Korea due to hits of K-pop and K-dramas. But there is a major concern that makes travelers to hesitate to travel Korea, which is The Food Problem. If you are Muslim, Jewish or vegetarian, worries that you might not find proper foods exist. Actually, it is not difficult to find muslims observing foods and debating if it has meat inside the food.

 If you are not so sure about the food, asking Korean would be the best option! But I know that Koreans are not so friendly to foreigners. It is not because we hate foreigners, but Koreans are often too shy to talk in English. I felt sorry about this problem so I thought I could share Korean expressions that will help you find proper foods.

12 Expressions You Can Use in South Korea 
to Find Halal, Kosher, Vegetarian Foods

 Information below will include 3 parts. The expression itself, how it is written in Korean and how to read Korean. Or if you are worried you might pronounce it wrong, you can show Korean to whom you want to ask!

    1. Is this food halal?

Korean: 이거 할랄 음식이에요?
How to read: ekeo halal umsikieyo?

    2. Is this food kosher?

Korean: 이거 코셔음식이에요?
How to read: ekeo kosher umsikieyo?

    3. Can vegetarian eat this food?

Korean: 베지테리언(채식주의자)이 먹을 수 있나요?
How to read: vegetariani mugulsu itnayo

 채식주의자 means Vegetarian. 'Vegetarian' is an often-used word also in Korea so it is okay to say 'vegetarian'.

    4. Does the food contain alcohol?

Korean: 요리할 때 술 들어가요?
How to read: yorihalttae sul durokayo?

 Of course, you should ask this question to chef, cook or waiters. Other guests would not be so sure about that.
    5. I am Muslim.

Korean: 저는 무슬림이에요.
How to read: jeonun muslimieyo

 But often, Koreans do not know what muslims can not eat, so it is better to use this expression with expression #1 or #10.
    6. I am Jewish.

Korean: 저는 유대인이에요.
How to read: jeonun yoodaeinieyo

 But often, Koreans do not know what jewish people can not eat, so it is better to use this expression with expression #2. And Yoodaein(유대인) means 'jew' in Korean.
   7. I am vegetarian.

Korean: 저는 베지테리언(채식주의자)이에요.
How to read: jeonun vegetariani-eyo
   8. I can not eat pork.

Korean: 저는 돼지고기 못 먹어요.
How to read: jeonun doaejikoki mot muguyo
    9. I do not eat meat.

Korean: 저는 고기를 안 먹어요.
How to read: jeonun kokireul aan muguyo
    10. Does the food contain meat?

Korean:요리할 때,  고기(돼지 기름) 들어가요?
How to read: yorihalttae koki(doaeji kireum) durokayo?

 Actually, this sentence means 'Do you use meat when you cook?'. I saw some websites that inform Muslim travelers that they can say '고기 빼주세요.' which means 'Please get rid of meat.' But if you say like this, there is a high possiblity that chef will cook the food with meat and serve your food after getting rid of meat from the dishes. So it is better to be 'specific' when you ask.

(돼지 기름 doaeji kireum) means 'pork oil'. Koreans might answer that they do not use meat when they use pork oil in the food. It is also due to lack of information so please understand us.
    11. Please cook this food without meat.

Korean: 고기 빼고 요리해주세요.
How to read: koki ppaego yorihaejuseyo
    12. Please cook this food without alcohol.

Korean: 술 없이 요리해주세요.
How to read: sul upsi yorihaejuseyo
    +. Do you have an English menu?

Korean: 영어 메뉴판 있나요?
How to read: young-o menupaan itnayo?
If you need translation of English expression into Korean, I would be honored to help you!


In addition, I made an app which has those information up there. You can download it in Playstore!

And if you want more information, tell me on comments!
Thanks for reading, have a nice day!


  1. Thank you for explaining this carefully. I will take notes and use this the next time i travel to Korea again, it will be helpful.
    Keep up your amazing work on this blog! :)

    1. Dankeschön. You look like an amazing person. Have a nice day! :)


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